Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I did it! I made my hug-in-a-box lunches for my little guys! I've made lunches two days in a row, and my time has already improved by half! (That may be because it took me about one hour the first time... But who's counting?!)

Day 1 was a breeze. Both smiling, and posing for the camera!!  My 4.999 year old was happy as a clam... My 3.001 year old was so proud of himself stating "mommy, I didn't cry, I'm a big boy"...

Course, I felt the need to tell him that big boys cry too sometimes, and that it is ok to cry, but that I was very proud of the strength he showed.

Today was Day 2... Eldest hops out of bed and is ready to go! My little one looked surprised! Wait, school again? But I already went to school... I go again?  Poor kid... So, today,  he cried.... A lot... It made me so sad...

After hugging him and trying to show him mr. Potato head, and admiring his art work from his first day, bringing him his lovey, talking to his teacher, trying to make him laugh, giving him one uber long hug, then another, I needed to leave for work... 

My husband, suspecting drop off would be tougher today, drove by the play-school on his way to work and saw my car parked outside... He stopped and texted me... "I'm outside if you need me".

When I walked out, it was so nice to see him, waiting in the car - my very own hug-in-a-box.

Hang in there sweet mamas! Wishing you tear free drop offs, all around.


  1. I cried buckets on my first born's first drop off!
    Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, and your kind words! I hear you... I will never forget that first ever drop off :( but thank goodness they do!!! Thanks again for popping in! Best, Lori
